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Did you know it’s Afternoon Tea Week?
Afternoon Tea Week takes place from 12th – 18th August this year, and provides us with the perfect opportunity to celebrate the great British tradition of Afternoon Tea.
School’s Out for Summer!
The end of the school year is here, and the summer holidays are ahead of us.
Places for a Summer Drink
Summer has finally graced us with the sunshine that we’ve all been longing for, so finding the perfect place to enjoy that ice cold drink is paramount.
What’s on at the National Horseracing Museum this July Festival
With the July Festival just around the corner, it looks like the July Race Course won’t be the only place that the crowds will be descending upon.
Ely Cathedral’s Latest Exhibition – Am I My Brother’s Keeper
Newmarket’s neighbouring city Ely, is playing host to more than 25 hand painted figures, with the latest exhibition, ‘Am I My Brother’s Keeper’ by British artist and sculptor Sean Henry, to be situated at the magnificent grounds of Ely Cathedral.
Nijinsky’s 2000 Guineas
In our latest blog by Stephen Wallis of The Paddock and The Pavilion, Stephen reviews Nijinsky’s win in the 1970 2000 Guineas with the help of Brian Jago, who rode 5th placed Joshua.
The going’s good in Newmarket this spring and summer
The excitement’s mounting at Newmarket, which has set a thrilling pace for the 2024 racing season.
Discover Newmarket Enters New Partnership with National Horseracing Museum
Discover Newmarket will manage Visitor Services on behalf of the National Horseracing Museum in an exciting new partnership agreed last week.